Five Star Chem-Dry Upholstery & Carpet Cleaning, Water Damage Restoration
19218 Filbert Rd, Bothell, WA 98012
murfreesboro, TN 00000
Superior Pet Urine Cleaning Services
If you have pets and carpeted floors, then you understand how hard it can be to remove the smells and stains whenever they accidentally urinate or defecate on the flooring. Pet urine is difficult to clean out in carpeted areas because it can seep deep into the fibers and the padding underneath, making it hard to reach and remove. Animal urine also contains uric acid crystals that can bond strongly to the fibers of the carpet and can become difficult to remove, even with regular cleaning. If not properly treated, the odor and stains from pet urine can remain in the carpet and become a persistent problem. It's important to address pet urine as soon as possible to avoid long-term damage to the carpet and to prevent the buildup of odors.
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